Today I lost my Medor

Shivanand Guness
2 min readNov 29, 2022

Medor was my 2.4-year-old puppy but to me was so much more. He was my friend, confident, and roommate.

Medor was always there sitting on my bed watching me work.

Medor trying to get permission to sleep on my bed

During the pandemic, working from home he was my sole companion. I always could talk with him about work, life, etc. I always could talk to him and I knew he would listen without any judgment.

He was my sounding board for all my problems.

He got me thru a lot.

I was made redundant in 2020. Lost a job during the pandemic was very difficult. All the uncertainties about finding a new job were very bleak. These were dark days and he was always there.

Even darker days were coming on 30 April 2021 I lost my dad. It was one of the most catastrophic events in my life and Medor was here. I still remember when I got the call late at night, informing me that my dad had passed.

I was alone at home with my dogs when I got the news about my dad. Medor was the one that was there to console me.

Of the following days, I don’t remember much but the presence of my dog. I remember my dogs sitting on my lap and licking away my tears.

Medor watching me work.

Now he is now more and I feel lost. Today I have lost one of my best friends. Rest well my friend until we meet again…

Medor on the bed alongside my cat.

